Selected Pieces from Submersible Tour, 2219 CE

Exhibit 435: Boat on Three Pillars

No one knows why the boat is there. Some think it a tribute to the Creators and their arrival in the Ark. Others claim that beneath lies pots of gold. As you know, all official records are classified.

Exhibit 265: Three Bulges on Slab

The bulges are what we can reconstruct from the historical structural records. This was sand once, transparent. If you dig deep enough you might find what the slab consumed to gain all that flab.

Exhibit 742: Saucer on Block

We think that the Creators served justice here. When they landed on the spot, their saucer could panopticon the surrounding blocks. Imagine what their wrath must have been like. A reminder: all official records are classified.

Exhibit 512: Dome with Spikes

It seems that the spikes came afterwards, to prevent sound from escaping and light from penetrating. Some think the dome yearned to preserve its virginity against the ravages of time.

Exhibit 666: Forest of Funnels

Once these channeled love and lust into domes where the Creators frolicked. The domes have long disintegrated from their passions. Official records are classified.

Exhibit 376: Basement

View from afar; it is said that the Creators will crawl from their grave if it is ever breached. There was a house here once. We can tell from the scars it left as it was dragged away. If you listen too closely you might hear the screams.

Exhibit 107: Wheel

Who knows why the Creators made this. It seems to do nothing but go round and round. Perhaps they were envious of other wheels elsewhere that also go round and round. Their thinking, of course, is official, is classified.

Exhibit 1087: Zig Zag Pillar

Legend has it that the Creators did not pay attention when stacking this tower, hence its uneven facade. Don’t go too close, it might topple.

Exhibit 888: Caged Bridge

The Creators had to barricade the bridge because they were walking too fast and kept extrapolating off the bends. The reason for curvature? Still classified.

Exhibit 1175: Three Tablets Linked

They did not align these properly like they did the others. Perhaps that is why the Creators chained them together, so that they do not go further out of line. Or perhaps they did not want the tablets to topple and smash the dwellings beneath.

Exhibit 941: Universal Studios

Who put this on the list? It’s exactly the same temple that can be found elsewhere in the world. See, the globe still turns.

Exhibit 1298: Honeycomb with Gotham

A Creator may have said this: The bees, the fucking bees. What are bees? Classified, maybe.

Exhibit 50: Man on Stone

Why does he fold his arms? What is he starting at? Only the Creators know.

Exhibit 1: Lion Head Fish

There are three of these. This one shot lasers from its eyes. It did not save the Creators from their demise.



By Ouyang Yingzhao

First written in response to a prompt in Singapore Poetry Writing Month 2018

Published on Eunoia Review as Selected Pieces from Submersible Tour, 2219 CE on 23 February 2019

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